Sulina Studio is a premium interior design studio. In 2023 we opened an office in UAE and received the ADD award in the category "best country house project". Entering a new market and new business goals required repackaging the brand and its key meanings.

Launch the brand in a new overseas market, form a Big Idea, values and positioning that is understandable to the overseas audience.

Before we started working on the content strategy, we conducted a study of the studio's target audience. We identified the main segment - Dubai locals and their values - family traditions, desire to stand out, love for thoughtful and creative solutions. Based on the research, we created rubrics for the stories.

Thus, we tell about our favorite brands in the rubric We Like: we introduce the stories of their creation, and at the same time we broadcast the studio s expertise - we work only with the best. In the Before / After section we show how many iterations take place before the final version reaches the client.

In addition to publishing interior renderings, we share useful content and make you want to keep it for yourself. We tell you about the interiors in the movies that inspire us. The design of the publications was not chosen by chance: the black background imitates the atmosphere of a cinema, as if immersing the user in a chamber hall.
In the   content, we work out current information guides and  news. For International Women's Day, we have published a post-selection of famous women designers who we are inspired by.

Built a unified social media visual code and unique brand voice, so we were able to build the studio account away from competitors, reflect the values, Big Idea and mission in content.